4 Strategies To Never Get Bored of Goal Setting

Did you stp setting goals because you felt like it became boring? Or maybe you never really set goals as you know where to start?

Yep, I feel you!

No matter how much of a fan of goal-setting I may be, I'm the first at getting bored to use the same technique a set of time.

This boredom feeling can arrive for various reasons:

  • You didn't feel inspired by your goals anymore

  • You lack of motivation and feel the need to revamp that fire

  • You're getting tired of having the same goal-setting ritual

And hey. this feeling is totally normal and okay!

What helpes me never given up on goal-setting is the fact that as soon as I perceive this "boring vibes" arriving, I change the way I set them.

Below are some techniques that I've tried or currently use to set my goals.
You can totally apply just one of these or combine a few/all of them together!


The first technique I think about when considering goal-setting is following a template. There are loaaaads of templates out there so you can do a quick research, choose the one you think fits you better and get started!

Hint: do not just follow a template "because it says to do so", you'll find out that it's just time wasted for a non-effective thing.

Of course, you could even combine more templates together or even use one partially and modify some of the points, which leads to strategy two…


This is the strategy I currently use, you can find my goal-setting tecnique on the stories higlights of my IG profile!

What you need here is just a notebook/paper/whatever where you could write (or type) something down and start creating your own kind of template.

This is a great goal-setting technique if you have loads of ideas in your mind. I'd suggest writing all your thoughts down first and then use all that came out from this small brainstorming as a starting point.

What's cool here is that you could really experiment anything you'd like to try: different layouts, writing style... choose what you want to play with until you figure out your favorite way of implementing a personal goal-setting template.


This method is great if you're a very visual person.

You could DIY a vision board by doing a kind of collage with pictures, pieces of newspapers and magazines that you think represent your goals, quotes, whatever you'd love to include. Or you could make one online on Pinterest, for example by creating a board with pictures, articles and blogs that match your goals.

Hint: If you DIY a vision board I'd suggest to hang it in a place where you can see it often so that you can "keep an eye" on your goals constantly (even unconsciously!) 


Starting a goal book is very handy, especially if you're a person who travels/moves often.

Again, you can choose how to organize it as you like. In my case, I divided the book in different section based on the categories of my goals. For example career goals, travel goals... So the goal book acts as a place where I collect ALL my goals which I update and review every once in a while.

What about you, which is your favorite goal-setting technique? I'd love to hear about it!


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