5 of The Best Time Saving Tools To Boost Your Productivity

Discovering tools that can make our life easier is always pleasing. I mean, we all want to make the most of our precious time, right?

A friend of mine saw I was using an unusual app (at least for her) the other day, she asked me more about it and after the short explanation, she told me “omg it sounds so useful! Do you have other secret tools to suggest me?” I never really thought about them as secret-tools and neither as things I could share with someone but her statement gave me the prompt to write a post about it!

So here they are, my favorite 5 tools that make my life easier and my time more productive:


Pocket App was initially called “Read it Later” and this is exactly what this app enables you to do. Whenever you find an interesting article/post/video online but do not have time to read it or watch it at that moment, by saving it on pocket you’ll be able to read it or watch it whenever you have time.
Also, you’re able to create categories based on the topics of stuff you’re saving (a feature that, as an organization fanatic, I find extremely useful!)

You can install the Chrome extension, download it on Mac App Store or Android so that you can easily read on your phone what you saved on your laptop and vice versa.


Feedly is my n.1 time saver! As many of you might have as well, I have “favorite blogs and websites” that I tend to read regularly. I do usually follow them on Social Media as well so I often know when something new comes up by scrolling on my feed but you know, Social Media algorithms are changing every day and it often happens that I don’t get their posts on my feed.

Feedly is the solution to this problem + (such as Pocket) it enables me to divide blogs & sites that I follow in categories. By using Feedly I don’t need to keep checking back to any particular site to check their latest blog post. All I need to do is subscribing to the RSS Feed and then the updates from the blog/website would come automatically on my Feedly board.

If you’re not able to find the RSS feed you can simply write the name of the blog/site or paste their URL on the search box of your Feedly account, add them to your list and select the category you want them to show up!

Again, you can find Feedly for Android, Mac App Store or you can directly create an account on feedly.com.


I started using Evernote during my first year of uni for taking notes during lectures, and never looked back!
Evernote is designed for taking notes but not only actually, it’s also great for creating, organizing and storing different media files such as photos, videos, and audio messages. Honestly, I just use it to take notes and organizing them is different categories (I know, from this post it’s really coming out how much I’m obsessed with organizing stuff lol! But isn’t it just amazing?).

Also, as the tools previously mentioned Evernote is a cross-platform app available for Android, Mac and Windows.


Grammarly is not only time saving but also saves you from possible embarrassing situations!
Grammarly is an English language online checker that allows you to eliminate grammar errors, improve your text wording and it also detects plagiarism. All these options though are just available if you pay a fee. With the basic package, you just have the grammar error review (which is still so useful especially when writing emails!).

As it’s an online checker, Grammarly is available as Chrome Extension.


Tiny scanner tooootally made my life easier! Especially since I do not have a scanner/ printer at home, tine scanner solved loads of my problems.

Tiny scanner is an App available both for Android and for iOs devices, that allows you to scan anything just by taking a picture with your phone! Once you’ve taken the picture you can save it in whatever format you want, from pdf, png and jpeg. So easy to use and so useful!

Other tools that I take advantage of but are probably more common:

  • Google Sheets – Especially when it’s about collaborating on the same documents with other people. Google Sheets are my go-to platform!

  • Dropbox & Google Drive – Again great cross-platform Apps, useful for sharing folders and heavy documents that can’t be sent by email

  • Google Calendar – As you might know, I’m definitely a paper planner person but I do admit that Google Calendar is a very useful tool when is about working with other people or having reminders on your phone/laptop!

What about you, have you heard about these tools before? Would you have any other tool to recommend? I’m always up to discovering new ones so please let me know in the comments below!


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